“ Global Action Days” 2024

Με αφορμή τη δράση του οργανισμού FFE σε συνεργασία με την UNESCO στο πλαίσιο αντιμετώπισης της κλιματικής αλλαγής με τίτλο “ Global Action Days” 2024

1. We prefer cloth bags instead of plastic bags

Paper straws instead of plastic, diffuser instead of plug-ins, wooden plates instead of plastic, cotton clothes instead of polyester, plant based household cleaner instead of cleaner with chemicals.

2. We included fats which is basic source of energy and proteins which are responsible for muscle mass, metabolism and some hormones.

3. If there were garbage bins and especially recycling bins in every beach we could avoid the pollution of beaches.

4. IBe alert, informed by the political protection and ready for emergency notifications.

- Natural disasters preparedness plan

- Family disaster kit

-Cleaning manholes

-Check gutters if they work

-Do not cut down trees but plant new ones( they retain big quantity of water)

-Avoid building houses and industrial buildings in areas subject to flooding

5. It was once common to see this small songbird on the islands of Java and Panaitan in Indonesia.

Today, it is a rare sight. Part of its rarity is because it is traded illegally.

How to protect it

-Legislation to make the trade in this species illegal

-Raising awareness among farmers to manage agroforest that can provide habitat for Java Blue Flycatcher.

-Engage local communities to participate in the conservation of Java Blue Flycatcher.

-Capacity of local community to create sustainable agroforest based product especially from bamboo handicraft and sap sugar products which contribute to the conservation of Blue Java Flycatcher.

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